Thursday, February 05, 2009


Alimony generally means sum of money payable by man to a woman and in some rare occassions from a woman to man once they do not live together is a sign of moral bankruptcy. And here's why...

Marriage is striking similar to Employment.

Marriage is contractual Union between man and Woman.
Employment is contractual Union between Employer and Employee.

Marriage is Voluntary For Man and Woman.
Employment is Voluntary For Employer and Employee.

In a traditional role, Man brings in money while Woman manages the day-to-day activities of the household using money. Employee knows more low level details.

In a traditional role, Employer invests (brings in) money while Employee manages the day-to-day activities of the business/work using money. Woman knows more household details.

Often, Employer goes out and brings in new contracts that will earn money for the business while employee stays back and looks after.

Often, Man goes out and performs jobs and activities that earn money for the household while wife stays back and looks after.

Man provides the adequate funds to purchase material needs of woman.

Employer provides the adequate funds to purchase material needs of Employee.

Employee provides the services that save time and energy for Employer. e.g. organizing files.

Woman provides the services that save some time and energy for the man. e.g. cooking food

If all is well, Man and Woman unite bodies to have off-springs which serves to expand/grow the household. Children are oft-quoted purpose behind the Marriage.

If all is well, Employer and Employee unite minds to embark on Projects that expand/grow the business. Projects generally improve existing situations and oft-declared purpose behind the Employment.

Once the projects are started, Employee spends more time looking after every little detail and ensuring that project grows into a economically profitable project to the best of employee’s ability. Employee looks after the hardest aspects of project and those that need undivided attention and consume most of the business time of the employee.

Once the children are brought to life, Woman spends more time looking after every little detail and ensuring that children grows into the socially profitable human ever possible to the best of women’s ability. Woman looks after the hardest aspects of project and those that need undivided attention and consume most of the household time of the Woman.

Career Growth, designation and perks of the employee are directly linked to the fate of the project. Competent Employees manage the whole businesses.

Stature Growth, designation and perks of the woman are directly linked to the fate of the children. Competent woman manage the households.

In modern healthy households. both man and woman have to work just equally hard. They come up with their own rules of dividing work load amongst themselves and manage to thrive. Men do cook when needed.

In modern healthy businesses, both employer and employee have to work just equally hard. They come up with their own rules of dividing work load amongst themselves and manage to thrive. Employers do manage files when needed.

This kind of Similarity list can go on and on.

As is evident in the above comparisons, both marriage and employment are synergy of two with complementary capabilities.

However, now come the parts where marriage tilts in favour of the women

Employers contribute for future financial support (Pension) of the employee. Employees accrue it during their working life and only get after they've stayed in Employment for certain number of years.

Man contributes for future financial support of the woman. Large number of Women demand 60%-70% of total assets as their entitlement from the day one of entering into the marriage.
In most places of employments, both employer and employee work. Employee usually does the harder work but employer keeps bigger parts of earnings since he/she took more risks in first place by hiring the employee.

In most marriages, both man and woman work. Man usually does the harder or more difficult work. Man is not entitled to keeps bigger parts of earnings even when he is taking more risks in first place by marrying the woman.

Let us for sake of argument, asssume that in modern marriages both man and woman work equally hard and contribute same magnitude of resources into the marriage. Woman usually strives to protect her entire contribution while dividing man's contribution in two unequal halves. Woman wants to keep bigger half.

If the employee resigns or is fired, employee may be eligible for severance pay to cover his short term/immediate needs (usually a month or two). Severance is not related to the earning potential of the employer or the assets in the business regardless of who worked to acquire them. Severance is provided to those employees who gives adequate notice and there is no act of treason or all the projects/ documents are in acceptable state. Employee does the work. Employer looks after basic needs of employee with few perks. Severance is determined on worth of employee.

If the woman abandons or is divorced, woman is almost certainly eligible for alimony amounts that may be enough to cover needs for rest of her life. Alimony is demanded even if woman gives no notice whatsoever, commits multiple acts of treason, treacherously jeopardizes and deliberately destroys the projects and the household.
Alimony is determined on earning capacity of Man.

If the employee after resigning from the employer is unable to take care of self, it is not employer's headache. Even when employee apologises

If the woman after divorcing from the man is unable to take care of self, it is shame and headache for the man. Man has to go on apologising to woman.

Employee is not allowed to take away projects from Employer once he resigns even though he may have spent lot of labor, love and have endured pain.

Woman is allowed to take away Children from man once she divorces even though Man also may have spent lot of time, love and effort for Children.

This Comparison can also be expanded.

In Conclusion, If laws were changed such that Employment contracts were treated identically and made them tilt in favour of Employees, many employees will resign dreaming to get money without work while many employers will go out of business or have to file bankruptcies. Countries and economies would be ruined.

The constitution of India under article 14 guarantees the right to equality before law to both man and woman.

Oddly enough, there are many laws where women are treated more favourably than men. First example is the alimony laws that reaps windfall from woman who want to divorce.

A woman can claim alimony under 4 different laws - two sections under the Hindu marriage act, the alimony act, and the domestic violence act, 2005.

On the other hand, the men cannot claim alimony under the laws except under a particular section of the Hindu marriage act which is never implemented by the judiciary. Women have the same opportunities as men, in terms of education and employment.

Second Example of Law that is prejudiced towards women is tax law. The tax is lower for women and many concessions are granted to women. Men end up paying higher taxes and have to compete with women usually for equal salaries.

Alimony from man to woman or from woman to man once they do not live together is sign of morally bankruptcy.

Let us collectively abolish the whole concept of Alimony.


This blog page is in response to midday article of Nirmal Rao

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes with a Divorce it should be 1-2 months salary contribution at home at most as alimony. Same as severance pay. You can be without a job for few months.

Other option is like hourly payment for everytime she allows her ex-husband to have sex.

Thu Feb 05, 05:25:00 PM GMT+11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment, Somnath!

I agree with first part that perhaps there can be provision for severance pay that covers few months regardless of when the employee gets next job

I am completely opposed to paying money for sex.\\

The woman that I am talking about was once the men's wife. No one should think about paying a wife for sexual activities!! Do not degrade a woman in that manner.

I may criticise one or lots of their behaviour but I am not going to pay woman for sex. Not now. Not ever.

The Author of this blog

Thu Feb 05, 05:28:00 PM GMT+11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only difference is that the employer can oust an useless employee anytime while a husband cannot, he always has to bear the burden.

Thu Feb 05, 05:29:00 PM GMT+11  

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